School's Out for Summer

We've been done for a couple weeks, actually. But I write this today because my heart is restless. 

First of all, I wouldn't take back our decision to home-school for a second. I can't say I liked every minute but I sure did love it overall. So much, in fact, that we will continue with it next year. 

Let's start with how the week started. Tuesday, June 1, I decided to exit Facebook for a month. This was not a hard decision and after 4 days, I don't miss it. Today, as I scrolled through Instagram, I saw a few friends post about their child's last day of 5th grade. And I was thankful I wasn't on FB to see even more of these posts.

My twinners finished 5th grade a couple weeks ago, but as I looked at these pictures on insta I couldn't help but feel a little sad. My kids missed out on the last day of 5th Grade. The most fun day of all their years in elementary combined. I'm sad that they didn't get this day, one day out a 180 school days (give or take due to Covid). But again, I wouldn't change a thing about this year. (See how my emotions flip and flop...ugh, what a roller coaster.)

Now, as I sit here, reflecting on my day, our year of home-school, I remember what a wise friend told me. Remember when I wrote about the FOMO my kids (and I) were having about not going back to school last fall? Well, this wise friend told me after she read my post about JOMO. JOMO - Joy Of Missing Out.

Let me explain: 
  • I am joyful because we missed out on the ups and downs of school schedules going from in-person to online and back again. 
  • I am joyful because we missed out on rushing out the door, crabby after school attitudes, and late night homework sessions.
  • I am joyful because we missed out on peer pressure, upper-elementary girl drama, and all that jazz.
  • I am joyful because we missed out on schools asking for temp checks and quick health surveys before school.
  • I am joyful because we missed out on my kids feeling inadequate because of pressures to get good grades. (Yeah, we didn't put an emphasis on it, it wasn't worth it this year. Next year though...)
  • I am joyful because we missed out on 7 hrs a day of my kids wearing masks as school.
  • I am joyful because we missed out on a lot of stress.
So even though I'm a little sad that my kids missed out on one day out of 180, I'm so glad we missed out on those other 179. Our school year was consistent, engaging, and we learned together! 

Disclaimer: it's late as I write this so I hope it makes sense. And I re-read it but only to make sure I didn't double a word or make a huge spelling mistake. 
