
Although we didn't know Laura all that well, we still grieve with the family. What a turn of events. Our emotions are so mixed about the misidentification but am comforted in knowing that Laura is wonderfully safe now in the arms of our Lord. What a blessing it is to know that.
The Ceraks, we know, feel mixed emotions too about everything. VanRyn's: what a display of what Laura is experiencing. What a display of GOD'S LOVE!!! Thank you for showing us all what it means to hold on to faith and keep it amongst the pain.
We all grieve with you and keep you in our prayers.

Bob, Cheryl, Lori, Carolyn, and Shari Bergy
Seth and Sarah (Bergy) VanRegenmorter


Lori said…
This certainly is a time of mixed emotions for many. I feel for the VanRyn family. I cried while watching the 11:00 News on Sunday night as they showed some of the memorial service that was held that day. I will be praying for the family and friends of Laura.