So sitting at work today my co-worker decided to go get food at the food court. When she came back she asked why everyone was closing their stores (mind you it was 7:30 and the mall closes at 9:00). Curious, I went to the nearest anchor store who was pulling their mall signs and closing their gate. The employee there said, "code black, bomb threat." So I go back and tell my employee who was a lot calmer than I was. I got my purse, locked the door, and got the heck outta there. Craziness. So I got off work earlier than expected (didn't even clock out). It was all the excitement I could take, it was scary, I'll admit. I'm just glad I wasn't there alone.
House is coming nicely. Got some of the framing up. Pictures to be posted soon!
House is coming nicely. Got some of the framing up. Pictures to be posted soon!