Holiday Rage Part 2

So I was one of those people looking for change in my purse. I was paying for an 84 cent stamp at the post office and I really didn't want to charge it, therefore I searched for change. Ah, well, no one seemed to get mad! Then again at RiteAid I paid in change $1.61. Again didn't want to use credit so I dug for change. The lady behind me wasn't upset, or at least she didn't portray it in front of me if she was.


Michal said…
When you're at the counter take all the time you need to get your change and re-organize your wallet after you get your change/card back. Nobody has the right to infringe upon the time you paid for with the clerk (included in price of goods). People are rushing through those lines like its going out of style. "Hello", "will that be all for today", "have a merry Christmas" seems to be a modern day automated Christmas carol that could use a little more compassion and holiday spice. 2 minutes of extra standing in line is not going to break anyone. After all they could use the time to chat to the person behind them.