If I wrote a sermon it would be titled "What God teaches you in your stupidity"
See, Seth and I (and seth's wonderful younger brother micah, sorry girls he's taken by lisa) camped out at Target all last night to get the Wii. Yes we did it. Micah and I were there from 9pm to 8am. Goodness it was cold and rainy and windy. Target gave out 15 today and seth and micah were 13 and 14...just made it. One of Seth's wonderful older brothers, Adam, brought us coffee and breakfast at 5am. The experience was tons of fun, well not really but that's okay!
Anyway, what God teaches. On the way home Seth said he now knows what it's like to be homeless. Sleeping in the cold on a wet ground is not fun, luckily we had a tent. But we now have a better understanding of what it's like to sleep on the streets.
God taught me that you have to be very gentle with people when you break bad news to them. The more gentle we broke it the less mad some people were. I think some of that holiday rage was coming out in people because they were mad we got there before them. After a few times of telling people that there were no more Wii's to be had we figured out that some people are going to say thanks and move on and others are going to ask more questions. Knowing how to handle this gently helped somewhat.
I also was shown how gracious people can be. I thought that it could get pretty ugly out there but people were offering rides to meijer for bathroom runs and food. It was great fun. Some of us got to know each other somewhat and had a great time. Even we were gracious in offering our tarp to a guy that didn't have a car to get warm and only had a sweatshirt and iPod.
Anyway, we were pretty stupid to camp out all night because of the risk and the cold but we learned a lot in our stupidity!
And that how my sermon would go...
May the peace of the Lord be with and within you all, Amen. Go in Peace.
P.S. I would reference the Bible in the sermon too, but these are my initial thoughts!!