Spring has sprung

I love that we are getting rain and storms and sun and sunburn. Yep, that's right, Seth got sunburned while digging the 0ther day. No he wasn't playing in our sand box he was digging trenches for our drain tile. We finished that project in one day. You should have seen me with a shovel! Ha, how funny was that! Thanks Dave and Rachel for the shovels, they came in very handy. Let's see, oh yeah, so we finished that project and in a couple weeks we will be planting grass seed.
I've been re-organizing the house as well, many things were still in boxes and shoved in closets, SO...I am getting rid of the boxes! Maybe I should save them for Adam and Joy?
My time off is going wonderfully, I'm enjoying life again!


Unknown said…
Thanks for the offer, but I'm all set. We move so often that we always have a sufficient supply of boxes.
David said…
Hi Sarah

It sounds like you are keeping busy while taking your leave of absence. I'm glad the shovels are being put to work.