In attempts to get ready for vacation I was busy working away at laundry and packing. I think I didn't do laundry for about a month, just what Seth and I needed. But today I did everything in the baskets. It felt nice to get that done.
I love this time of year, normally it's really nice out and the flowers look beautiful. This year, though, is a different story. It's snowing, how depressing. I wish it were warm for Easter. I got potato salad for dinner on sunday though, just to make it taste a little springier!
Good Friday! Rememer, the Easter season is not all about colored eggs and cute, furry bunnies. It's about the ultimate sacrafice, Christ dying for US, and then being risen to be with God the Father for all eternity. Keep this in mind as we go through this weekend.
I love this time of year, normally it's really nice out and the flowers look beautiful. This year, though, is a different story. It's snowing, how depressing. I wish it were warm for Easter. I got potato salad for dinner on sunday though, just to make it taste a little springier!
