The Walk:
The walk was great fun. It was 3 1/2 miles long and took us about an hour to walk at a moderate pace. My legs are very sore today from it. My mom, sister Lori, spectacular friend Amie (along with little Izzy), Seth and I all walked. It was a wonderful day for it too!
The Shower:
What a happy time, weddings and bridal showers. This was fun and I got to see some people I haven't seen in a while and catch up. Not to mention have wonderful dessert! We did the game where you have to dress up a "bride" in toliet paper. My team won!!
After the shower we went and made food for the family that could come. Anna was the cook and did a wonderful job! Hanging out was great fun and seeing the kids is a blessing. I miss seeing Joey and Eli, and Anneke and Caleb will be moving soon. So to have these times where we can just hang out is great fun! I wish Seth could have been there though, but he had to work. 9 days in a row, but only one more to go besides today! And that's pretty much where I ended my day!