A new place to post

Today, actually 45 minutes ago to be exact, Seth and I received internet AND cable at our home. No more posting at mom and dad's. Although it leaves me sad that I won't be visiting as often, today is the type of day that you just want to stay inside and not go out because of the heat. And then there's the days that it rains or like in the winter, when it snows.
And with the cable come the return of TiVo. Now I'll never miss a show, or even a minute of a show. How exciting, and oh my gosh, I can connect the Wii now!!!! YEAH! (that was a spur of the moment thought I just had so a little more excitment on that part.
Okay, That's it for now!


David said…
Hi Sarah - you guys are all hooked up and independent now in your house. Hopefully we can come and visit you at the end of the summer.