Maids for Hire

Seth: Vacuums well but misses spots when he dusts. Please call me for greater detail about cleaning skills!

John: Vacuums well and does the dishes. Likes a clean living space. Call Shari for further details.

Thanks to John and Seth who cleaned up the house today. You guys did great! And I think you had fun battling with the vacuums!


Anonymous said…
Oh my! Looks like I have lost my cleaning job. That just breaks my heart. I'll just have to visit with you, Sarah, instead of clean. I'll bring the ice tea.
By the way, how much do they charge?
Anonymous said…
Actually---What a blessing! Good work guys.
Shari said…
mom, you're funny..."I'll bring the ice tea." They did do a great job though. Good job guys!
Lori said…
Way to go brothers! :)