Fuzzy sight

Sorry if I spell something wrong but I got my eyes checked today because I have a pain in my left eyeball every time I move it. The doc dilated my eyes and numbed them. Therefore I'm wearing sunglasses in doors just so I can see the computer screen but it's still quite fuzzy. He says it's just a spasm from my body changing and then also probably a bit of an optical migraine (which cannot be taken care of with traditional tylenol). So I just have to wait for it to get better and make sure it doesn't get worse!

The MFM appt went well, they suggested I get my eyes checked. Everything is of great length and size. They got some nice pictures of the baby and in 4 weeks I get the growth scan again. Besides the eye thing, I still haven't been feeling all that well but they seem to think that it could be related to the eye (since eye pain can throw off your balance--hence the dizziness--and then in turn causes nausea). I think that's all from the appt. Not really a lot to talk about because it was of routine nature to me. The doc's are optimistic about things because they are going so well! Next week is my regular OB visit and we anxiously await that, and the next!
