Sunday is a Day of Rest

What a gorgeous Sunday in Michigan today. Seth and I have been very lazy but at the same time feel we have accomplished a lot. This morning we got up and went to church. After church we stayed for the Adult Education Hour where Dr. Quentin Schultze spoke on Christianity and the Internet. It was a great hour; very informative and very fun. There was a brief discussion period that was interesting as well. It was great to see Quentin again (I had him as a professor at Calvin twice).

After church we went to my parents for a small lunch (no grilling today because Dad is off to Minneapolis for work). Then off to Grand Rapids to buy Seth some new work pants and a new pair of tennis shoes. When we got home we took a nap and now were watching television.

Later tonight we will be starting the 40 Days of Prayer devotions with John DeVries' book "Why Pray." It looks like a great study.
A shout out to Seth's Grandparents. Last Thursday was Grandpa's Birthday and today is Grandma's Birthday! Hope they all were good!
