
I'd like to welcome Amie to blogging! She has great pictures of her little girl Izzy.
You can visit her blog via the link that I set up in my Family and Friends link area!

In other news, I'm going to Physical Therapy for my SI Joint (near the lower back and hip). Sometimes I can't even walk in the morning it hurts so bad. It's pretty nice because I get a massage to loosen up the muscles around it for only $17 a week! I have to do a couple of low strain exercises though at home to help keep it in place. (The hip tilts to far back and thats why it hurts so much).
Also, today I had tea and coffee with the ladies of the neighborhood again. Grandma, Marie, Betty, Carolyn, and myself. Betty also had her grandsons there (Ben and Sam).
So far it's been a good day and now I'm looking forward to eating lunch, some TV time, and probably a nap!

I know I haven't posted any pictures lately, but tomorrow should bring some as I'll be taking pictures of the drywall going up in the basement!


Mamie said…
Thank you for the welcome. I'm so glad you are able to go to physical therapy. I had problems with my back and hip as well, and although I only went to PT twice, since I had izzy early, my PT said that pregnant women who are having back and hip problems benefit from going to PT and doing the exercise’s given to do at home because it will prepare you for labor. Hopefully, this will help make your the rest of your pregnancy and labor easier.