Full Day

Today is the day we all feel full. I know it was yesterday too, but don't you find yourself eating less today because of the big meal(s) yesterday!
Anyway, I am not feeling that full today. I did have some turkey and mashed potatoes, cinnamon jell-o and a roll yesterday. But, by no means, did that make me "full". I had a regular dinner last night of just some chicken and rice and some fruit on the side. Today, I'm more tired from having a day of going places (I'm not really used to that right now).
It was great to see Seth's side of the family and have most of us all together again. We hadn't seen some of them since Micah and Lisa's Wedding in August. We had a great time of playing games and chatting. It was great fun!

Sorry there are no pics, my computer is still down and I'm working off my laptop which is soooooo slow, pics are not an option.

Everyone have a safe weekend and enjoy!
