To Isaac and Luke, our precious twin boys:
We can only dream of what you'd be doing today. We can only imagine what your eyes and smiles would say. On what would be your first birthday; we remember the joy you brought us, we feel the love that continues for you, and we await patiently for the day we'll see you again.
Love, Daddy and Mommy
Above is what I wrote a few weeks ago, we were going to put a memorial in the paper but decided against that for personal reasons. Below, the gravestone we had placed last spring.
Yesterday was Isaac's birthday and today is Luke's. That was just one thing that was so special about them, separate birthdays. So, we remember them on both days.

Seth has had the past two days off and we have spent time remembering. Yesterday we went to the cemetery and I imagine we'll go again today (it's not as windy today).
We want to thank everyone for their love and support during this time.