Obsessive Compulsive Dog
We took Cubby to the vet on Friday because he has been licking his front right leg a lot. We thought it could be another hot spot but then it looked like it might have puss in it. We didn't want to go all weekend without getting it checked, especially if it was infected.
So, the vet said that we should start antibiotics to heal the small infection (if any) and then spray it and give him some Benedryl. She said it could be food allergies but he doesn't display any other symptoms of that so we'll use that as a last resort considering the special Dog food is priced very high. Not to mention our Dog food is one of the only brands that has not had a recall on it.
With all that said, we're going with the OCD. This just means that Cubby is obsessed with something once he begins it. This also explains his constant chasing of the tail for no reason. The Vet also said that we should get him more interactive toys. With Christmas coming Cubby should be happy this year!