Seth's days

These past two days have been great days for Seth. He was able to have 2 days off in a row and we accomplished quite a bit.
The most important success was beating Super Mario Galaxy! Great job Seth!
We also bought a travel system for the baby and went to the Fire Dept. to get it properly installed in the vehicle! With the way our seats are it was more difficult than it seemed. I'm glad we went to someone who is trained to do this. Next time, though, we'll know how!
Seth (and his dad) also are getting farther in the basement. There should only be one more short session to finish it off and then it's ready for paint!
I think that pretty much covers Seth's two days off. He enjoyed them and they were well deserved. Soon, he will start 6 day work weeks and then we are at the end of the year.
Wow, another year almost gone...where does the time go? No, seriously, what happens to the past? Okay, let's not debate that, just a silly thought!
I'm tired, goodnight!
