Take Part in The Poll

Tell us what you think we're having and when that baby will come! You won't find out until after the Baby is born but the polls close the day I get my stitch out (Dec. 17). Don't forget to give an answer for everyone in your household!

Have fun!

Disclaimer: No Prizes will be Awarded for correct answers.


Rachel said…
you are having a girl...my guess...December 23 (it's a good day...just ask Eli).
Mamie said…
Okay, first you won't tell us the sex and now you're just rubbbing it in our face:-) It would be fun if you have a girl because then Izzy and her could be playmates. On the other hand, if you have a boy we're talking the possibility of future marriage between our families. How great would that be.
Mamie said…
I voted twice...is that cheating?
yes...it's cheating, but for you i'll allow it.
Yes...I am rubbing it everyones face, but they're my rules.
yes...both would be great, playmate or marriage!
Lori said…
I think it's a boy and he will be born on December 25!