The baby is....

BREECH! (you thought I was going to tell you the sex didn't you, too bad)!

So, I have to make a choice if it doesn't flip by next Thursday. C-Section or the Doc turning the baby. I heard the turning part brings lots of pain, but I really don't want a c-section. So, we're praying (and when I say we're, I mean to ask if all of you will pray too) that this baby turns on it's own.
The doc also said to drink more water and rest more. I don't know how this will possibly happen. So basically, you will find me either floating or sleeping. :)


AKA said…
We will be praying for the baby to turn! I heard that you are not going to beable to be at Grandpa and Grandma B's for Christmas. We were bummed, but excited that soon there will be a little one! :) Take Care!
AKA said…
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Unknown said…
I hope the baby turns on its own. I can certainly understand not wanting to have surgery, and I also heard it's painful to have the doctor try to turn the baby. Have you tried standing on your head? (just kidding!) It was nice to see you at the shower. :)