Peter is a name Seth and I both really like. Lloyd is my maternal grandfathers name who passed away in 1989.
I started having contractions at around 2pm on the 24th. Seth was at work and I thought I was contracting because I needed to drink more, so I did. WRONG! The contractions got worse and I started with back labor. Seth called me just before 3pm and I told him what was going on. He came home and I called the doctor who, of course, sent me into OB Triage. When I arrived there they put me on the monitors and the contractions were 5-7 min. apart and I was dilated to 4-5 cm. We were not going home this time. They said I would have a c-section (Peter still had not turned) around 7:15pm, but was then bumped to 8:15pm. I was a little nervous but realized that I was very excited and just couldn't wait! Then, I remembered what my dad said. He mentioned that I would have this baby before Christmas! Great guess dad!
At 8:56pm, Peter was born. Seth watched almost the whole thing over the curtain and when asked if I wanted a mirror to watch I said "ummm....NO!"
After 2 hours in recovery we made it to our room where we stayed until Thursday!
Peter is a very happy, healthy little boy. He does have some Jaundice and we get that checked out on Friday again. His levels seem okay but there is no taking chances. He's also a very hungry little boy! He likes to eat, what can I say, he's Seth's son!
A special thanks to everyone for all your support and prayers. What a wonderful experience it has been (now that I look back on it!) My recovery should be quick as long as I remember to take the pain meds! Thanks for all the "Congratulations", they mean a lot to us!

A special congrats to my dad, this is the first boy in our immediate family and I know that he's ecstatic, even if he isn't jumping up and down or running through the streets yelling it out!
Okay, now that I've written this and posted pics. Go ahead sisters of mine, go crazy with those pics you took!

A Happy Family
More pics to come!!!!!