Stitches Removed!!

The stitches were removed this morning, but not at 9 like I thought. See, I got to the office and prepped and ready for the doctor to come in. When he started the procedure it hurt really bad and just kept getting worse. I was completely uncomfortable and I don't think he was trying to be too gentle either, I believe he was just trying to get it done and move on to the next patient. Because I was not doing well at this point he sent me over to OB Triage to the other MFM doc over there (who was much more gentle) and that is where the stitches were removed. I don't know the exact time though because the clock was broken! They sent me there in case I need pain meds, which I didn't, I just needed the doctor to actually be gentle!

I'm dilated to 1.5 - 2 cm and I think he said 50% effaced! I'm not contracting a lot, which is good because I want to make sure they can turn the baby!

So, tomorrow, I go to triage as well for the turning and then I can just sit back and wait!


Anonymous said…
I'm sorry you had a bad experience with that. Good luck with turning the baby, maybe that will put you into labor. Still keeping you in my prayers.
Mamie said…
Ouch!! I'm glad you got a different doctor to take the stitches out. I would have given that doctor an earful for not being gentle. I mean that area of our body is very...delicate. Well, I'm praying that everything will go well tomorrow and that the baby will stay put a little bit longer.