Triage visit #4

Well, let's hope this is my last visit to OB triage until the actual "day". I woke up last night with contractions 7-10 minutes apart, severe back pain that worsened with each contraction and the inability to get comfortable. It didn't help to sleep one way or walk around or change positions, it was just always there. So, at 12:30 am (thursday) Seth and I ventured to the Hospital (after talking with my doctor). When I got there I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes and so they pumped me full of fluids and we waited. The contractions calmed to 7-10 minutes again but still were painful. The doctor gave me one dose of....something....and the contractions spread even furthar. Therefore, at 5 am, they sent me home! Just in time for Seth to get ready and be to work at 7 am. Poor guy, I felt so bad for him, looking at him lying on those two chairs curled up like a hobo on a park bench. (No really, he had his sweatshirt hood over his head and his big winter jacket on that's really dirty from being in the basement, he looked like a hobo).
So, today, I go to the doctor's office for a check from him and we'll see what happens. I'm still having some pain so I'll have to wait to see what he says!

(Sorry for the long post, but it was a long night!!!)


Lori said…
Wow - I take back the date I guessed you would have the baby which was December 25.