Today as I was packing up my maternity clothes I realized I'm not pregnant anymore. Now, I know most of you are thinking, 'well, duh, just look down and you can see your feet,' but it was more than that for me. Although the pregnancy brought me lots of stress and anxiety, it was also kind of fun once I got past 28 weeks and accepted the fact I couldn't eat my favorite foods. Plus, I like to think I had some pretty awesome maternity clothes. Okay, so it's more than that too, it's the fact that I'm in between clothes. In other words, my maternity clothes are too big and my regular clothes are still too small (and will probably remain that way, like, forever!) So, I'm stuck wearing elastic-band skirts and pajama bottoms (NO, I don't wear them together!). Luckily my shirts fit, although I don't know of any shirts that match what's covering my lower half. So, if you see me around town and think, 'wow, I should call TLC's What Not to Wear,' PLEASE DO! I could use a new wardrobe, and a trip to New York!