Baptism Photos

upper left: Merle talking about baptism
upper right: Peter being baptized
lower left: A blessing over Peter's life
lower right: Presentation of certificate and gift (a Baby Bible)
I couldn't get the video to work, I think it's too long and for some reason I can't cut it down enough. I'll figure it out someday! In the meantime, here are some still photos from the video!


Sarah and Seth,
I had a lot of fun at the baptism of Peter. It was such a special day for him. I know that you where very blessed by the amonut of family that was there. I am rally glad that you had everyone come here for snacks afterwards that was very nice. Peter is such a blessing to you and seth. I love you both and Peter to. Keep up the good work taking care of him. You guys are always in my prayers.
Love You Lots