Intolerance or Allergic?

We are trying to find out if Peter is allergic to milk or just intolerant to it. I had him on gentlease formula but after a while he still became very crabby and I believe crampy. After talking with the doctor yesterday we decided to switch him to Soy formula. It seems to be helping him. Hopefully we won't have to make the move to partially digested because that becomes really expensive. For now, the soy seems to be working. He is able to sleep again without being held all the time. It was a rough couple of days but we got through it!

Today and tomorrow I'm helping Lori out as she recovers from sinus surgery. We're up at Dad and Mom's just chillin'. Enjoy your day and the weekend!


Han said…
Hey Sarah, this is Hanneke (Rachel's sister-in-law). I suspect that Peter may have a milk allergy instead of being intolerant. I would of course go with your doctor on this, but most mammals (including people) do not develop dairy intolerance until after the weaning period (so for people, at least a couple years). I hope you get it all sorted out--Peter is a really cute kid.
Han said…
Of course, lactose intolerance can occur in infants if they are born prematurely. So that could also be a contributing factor.