Now that Peter can crawl and pull himself up to things he plays a lot more. Here are some still shots of him playing.
I wish the passy would not have been in this shot...there is such a great smile underneath.
Playing in the Kitchen while I make dinner is a favorite of Peter's, but I have to admit I don't cook much!!
Peter loves to find out what little spots he can fit into!
you see, we are in the path of a very strong hurricane (gustav). i was set to leave at 1pm before the traffic got too congested. the plan was to drive to amarillo to meet up with my significant other at a friend's house until the storm passes (amarillo is the halfway point between where i live and where he lives in utah.) his parents were concerned about his sister's flight being canceled, thus impeding her trip back to school. they asked if i could wait on her so she could ride up and meet her brother with me, which put me leaving at 11pm. i agreed, but as i waited on her i found myself getting more and more stressed about traffic and wondering if perhaps she could have foregone her activities of the evening so we could have left earlier. as i though about it i realized that the reason i was so stressed was because of all of the fears and doubts i have had this week. she was at her cousin's wedding reception. i tried to put myself in her shoes and imagine the wonderful day this must be for their family, especially the bride. ( in imagining all of this, i was reminded that the boy i wanted to marry for years and years is getting married this tuesday to another girl: the girl of his dreams. and from there come all of my doubts. we broke it off a year ago and i find myself wondering if i did the right thing. and in reality, i know i did. but my new relationship is going very well, which kind of scares me. just an hour ago i was wondering if it was really going to work out or if i should just end it now to bypass the potential pain.
as i read your post i was filled with the most peaceful feeling that everything will be alright. the description of your life is exactly what i want for mine. and seeing that a real girl, a "simply sarah", somewhere in the world has that life gives me confidence and hope.
i love Jesus Christ, as you do. i love that my church teaches that families can be together forever through plan our Heavenly Father has for us, which centers on His Son. i love my life and all that God has done for me. i love my family and the experiences i have had in life because i was born into this particular family. i love that my Heavenly Father watches out for me and sends others (even strangers!) to my aid when i need it most. i know that this life is the time for us to prepare to meet God, and that as we form relationships with others we are coming to know a small piece of the joy and love He feels for us, His children. and because of your blog, i am reminded that it's all worth it!