Peter turned 9 months on Sept 24. He had his 9 month appointment a little over a week ago and I haven't updated on his stats yet so here goes...

Weight 22 1/2 lbs - 80%
Height 29 1/2 in. - 85%
Peter is pulling himself up to furniture, walking along the furniture, venturing into standing on his own, walking with the help of another person, and eating with his fingers. He likes peas and chicken with bananas or applesauce. He enjoys snacking on graham crackers and bread with jam.
This week he has a very loose stool so he is on the BRAT diet. He is still taking his 3 - 8 oz bottles though and water after meals. He has a runny/stuffy nose and doesn't sleep very long because he can't breathe well when he is so stuffed up. So the days are long but he sleeps well at night and I've been feeling more rested as well!
Even though he doesn't feel well he still likes to be goofy and posed for the camera with this funny face!