10 Things you might not know about...

In this photo I let peter feed himself. The spoon went on
the floor and he was a mess but he was so proud of himself!

1. He loves to Eat! (1 year and 27 lbs should tell you that!)

2. Peter received a lot of Little Tykes stuff, the tractor and dump truck have sounds and songs. He pushes the buttons until he gets to the song and then bounces and repeats.

3. He sits when he sees his milk or juice being poured. He know's he shouldn't walk while drinking.

4. He stands up in the bath tub which makes for a short bath because I don't tolerate him standing in the bath (at least not at this age).

5. Peter loves to talk. He does what my grandpas and father would call "bumping his gums".
He says ma-ma, da-da, and ba-ba. Words we are currently working on are cubby (which could be ba-ba because he doesn't associate it with anything yet), pa-pa, milk, and Wii. Just kidding about the Wii, it just seems like something Seth would teach him, huh?

6. He has learned how to push our buttons, quite literally. He turns on and off the TV in our room and any game system within his reach. He tries for the computer but it's a difficult button to push, thank goodness. And he loves to eject DVD's for the player.

7. Peter removes all the contents from my purse and then carries around those contents.

8. Putting things in his mouth is a normal thing at the age...walking around with a Wii nunchuck hanging from his mouth, not so normal!

9. He's a ham. He makes me laugh everyday, and then he laughs because I'm laughing...He knows he's funny!
10. He loves to play with Cubby. Cubby's not so fond though!
