Seth had the day off today, which means it was packed full. Between what I need to get done, what Seth has planned, and Peter's routine, there was never a dull moment.
Peter and Seth enjoying the Sugar Barn!
Seth and Peter both slept until 8:45 am, which I was pleased with because I had the house to myself to get ready. I went to Bible Study and when I got home we ate lunch and got started on the sealing of the woodwork for the basement. Peter enjoyed a lot of time outside today because of all the work we had to do! Seth also went to gather sap with my Grandpa and some other family members around 4pm. I made dinner and ate with Peter. After Seth got back we went to town to look at some things and got back around 9 pm.
On top of all this I had to take Cubby to the vet today where we learned that he has a mass cell tumor (cancerous) on his left wrist joint. He will get this removed next Monday. The vet says that after it is removed we can control this from coming back by giving him benedryl. This was sad news to hear but I got through it and hurried home to tell Seth. We are both surprised by this news, because Cubby has been a very healthy dog, but we're getting through it. It just seems weird to hear that Cubby has cancer, but it's good to know that it can easily be taken care of (and for quite cheap, considering vet bills these days).
Peter has taken a couple tumbles these past couple days. On Sunday he was playing with Cubby and was knocked over into our metal bed frame. This cause a significant bruise on his forehead. Yes, he went to church like that!! Today he fell from the table (or chair) we're not sure which one and he has a bruise above his left ear. Poor little guy.
You can faintly see the bruising in this pic along with a scratch on the top of his nose.
Also, with the nice weather, my Grandpa has been able to collect a lot of sap to make maple syrup with. We have been visiting him at the sugar barn to watch this process. Peter doesn't much know what to do when we are there but he enjoys being in the barn and just looking around. 
Here is how the sap is boiled into syrup!