Most of you know this already, but I'm going to repeat it on here anyway.
Last Thursday I had a scheduled ultrasound (I'm almost 15 weeks) to check the length of my cervix. Long story short????: Our car broke down just before Calvin College. We called the doctor office from Calvin 15 min. after appt time. My mom was waiting for us there (to watch Peter). We rescheduled for that same day. Mom came and got us from Calvin, we took Seth to work, mom and I went back for ultrasound. I go back alone. Tech told me "did you know you're having twins?" (she did not know my history, this is a new doctor for me). I screamed 'NO', started to cry, and had her go to get my mom. We got through the ultrasound, set up a cerclage date, called the necessary people, and headed home for some much needed rest! I forgot to mention in the process of our car breaking down I had hit my forehead pretty hard on the car door (it still hurts today). We are still recovering from the shock of it all.
That's as short as I can get the story!!
We are thankful we have family around to help, church family that is used to handling multiples (2 sets of triplets in 1 1/2 years) and willing to help, a doctors office that has many specialists, but most importantly a Loving God that pours out grace and mercy to those who love Him. We are praying hard and trusting God to bring this pregnancy to full term! God knows the desires of our hearts, more than we even might know those desires!
I will be on bedrest for most the pregnancy. Your prayers and words of encouragement are much appreciated. Help is necessary. I hate asking for help, but the Lord has been teaching me over the past few months about humbling myself. Now I know why.
Last Thursday I had a scheduled ultrasound (I'm almost 15 weeks) to check the length of my cervix. Long story short????: Our car broke down just before Calvin College. We called the doctor office from Calvin 15 min. after appt time. My mom was waiting for us there (to watch Peter). We rescheduled for that same day. Mom came and got us from Calvin, we took Seth to work, mom and I went back for ultrasound. I go back alone. Tech told me "did you know you're having twins?" (she did not know my history, this is a new doctor for me). I screamed 'NO', started to cry, and had her go to get my mom. We got through the ultrasound, set up a cerclage date, called the necessary people, and headed home for some much needed rest! I forgot to mention in the process of our car breaking down I had hit my forehead pretty hard on the car door (it still hurts today). We are still recovering from the shock of it all.
That's as short as I can get the story!!
We are thankful we have family around to help, church family that is used to handling multiples (2 sets of triplets in 1 1/2 years) and willing to help, a doctors office that has many specialists, but most importantly a Loving God that pours out grace and mercy to those who love Him. We are praying hard and trusting God to bring this pregnancy to full term! God knows the desires of our hearts, more than we even might know those desires!
I will be on bedrest for most the pregnancy. Your prayers and words of encouragement are much appreciated. Help is necessary. I hate asking for help, but the Lord has been teaching me over the past few months about humbling myself. Now I know why.