OCD or just a phase?

I've been loving this time on bed rest because I get to watch Peter grow and learn so much.
Some of the things that he's been picking up on, though, make me wonder if this is just
a phase or if he has OCD? Tell me what you think and if your kids did any of this!!

When Seth is getting ready for work in the morning, Peter always brings him his shoes. When
he gets home (if Peter is still awake) Peter wants to take Seth's shoes off, his socks off,
place the socks in the shoes, and then place them by the front door under the bench.

Along those same lines; Peter, the other day while at my parents, was getting ready to come
home and went to get my mom's shoes for her (without prompting). Not only did he get her
the tennis shoes but he then proceeded to her work shoes and removed the insoles and brought those to her as well.

When someone is making him cereal he points to where everything is, as to make sure he gets
what he wants. He won't sit and eat his cereal until the items are placed in their proper
spot again. (This does not happen at lunch or dinner, though)

Before leaving a house or going to bed, he must have all the toys picked up and the books
placed in their shelf.

Before going to bed he must give everyone a hug, including Cubby. He also waves to everyone
as they leave the house.

Before leaving a room or house, all lights must be turned off if no one will be in the room.

There are so many other things, I can't think of all of them. But this covers the most
frequented OCD acts by my son. He is very routine, and I'm afraid he has come by it from me.
We will see how long this lasts, too much longer and he'll be telling me how to clean the
house. (I'm not one to be concerned about how my house looks when people drop by, Peter, on
the other hand, though, might be.)

Sorry about the format, I first typed it on Notepad and then copy and pasted.


Anonymous said…
Sounds pretty normal to me. The triplets do a lot of those things, like bringing you your shoes, or insisting you take off you shoes and coat before entering the house. They also know where I put my purse when I'm there, so they make sure to remind me where it has to go as soon as I get there. They also are very particular about numerous things, like where things go or how they like things done. I wish they picked up their toys though!
Unknown said…
Toddlers thrive on routine. My kids had similar tendencies when they were toddlers, but have long outgrown them. Especially picking up toys..or picking up anything, for that matter.
Mamie said…
Izzy has to have her blanket on the same way every night and won't let anyone else do it but me. If something is not sitting a certain way on a shelf she'll go and move it ever so slightly so it's just right. And she'll get really upset if someone doesn't let her put the way it supposed to go. I am really OCD, like ridiculous, and I just realized all these things she's doing and wonder if it's from watching me, but...Toddlers are all about routine and sameness (is that a word) so it could just be that. Wouldn't that be awesome if Peter started cleaning the house, in a total helper not child labor type of way.