Peter's vocabulary is growing. He is able to say words, the problem lies with whether he's being stubborn or not. Many times he will say 'please' (which only a few people can recognize), 'more', 'daddy', 'ma-ma', 'cubby' (which is just a really throaty sound), 'milk', 'gamma' (for grandma), and a few more that I probably can't think of right now. The one word, though, that I am most surprised at and comes out the clearest is 'tickle'. Whenever we say "Go tickle (insert name)" we will run to the person and say "Tickle, Tickle, Tickle". There is no mistake in what he is saying, it is clear as day.
He's also becoming more stubborn with his listening skills. He has his times where he is so helpful. If I ask him to pick up something I've dropped or ask him to clean up his books/toys, most of the time he will do it. But he's a toddler, and defying the parental unit is one of his best ways of getting into trouble. I notice it more these days as it becomes more difficult to discipline him on my own, it's hard to carry through with a punishment when I can't place him back in time-out! Tonight, alone, he had two toys taken away from him. He was standing on his rocker and a toy that has wheels and trying to jump on them. Jumping, by the way, is his new favorite show-off move!