Healing Stones: A Sullivan Crisp Novel by Nancy Rue and Stephen Arterburn
I didn't enjoy this book much and it took me a while to get through it because I wasn't excited about reading it. It follows a married Christian College Professor from the ending of her affair (with another professor) through to her redemption and gaining back some of what she lost by the affair being exposed. The themes that ran through this book; redemption, finding your true self, exposing the lies that were told that made you originally sin, were all great themes. The story line though, about the affair and what went on during that affair, seemed to drag on. For 382 pages, the book dragged on and on about how she was to find herself again, while trying to gain back all she had lost. What did she lose? What did she gain back? Well, I guess if you want to know you need to read the book. It doesn't come recommended though. Maybe if you really want to know you should just call and ask me! It'll save you time! Or better yet, read John 8:1-11. It's basically the same story, but in 11 verses compared to 40 chapters!
I'm not a book critic or writing these "reviews" for anyone in particular. I'm just enjoying bed rest and giving my honost opinion without giving too much information about the book.
I didn't enjoy this book much and it took me a while to get through it because I wasn't excited about reading it. It follows a married Christian College Professor from the ending of her affair (with another professor) through to her redemption and gaining back some of what she lost by the affair being exposed. The themes that ran through this book; redemption, finding your true self, exposing the lies that were told that made you originally sin, were all great themes. The story line though, about the affair and what went on during that affair, seemed to drag on. For 382 pages, the book dragged on and on about how she was to find herself again, while trying to gain back all she had lost. What did she lose? What did she gain back? Well, I guess if you want to know you need to read the book. It doesn't come recommended though. Maybe if you really want to know you should just call and ask me! It'll save you time! Or better yet, read John 8:1-11. It's basically the same story, but in 11 verses compared to 40 chapters!
I'm not a book critic or writing these "reviews" for anyone in particular. I'm just enjoying bed rest and giving my honost opinion without giving too much information about the book.