I love this kid. Although he can be a handful sometimes because of his temper (it's the red hair!) his adorable level cancels that temper most the time.
Today while I was getting Abigail out of her bouncer to feed her, Peter crawled into the chair, placed the burp cloth on himself, grabbed her bottle and said "hold". I asked if he wanted to feed her and he nodded with much enthusiasm!

This bottom picture was taken on St Patty's Day. We played with different greens of play-doh and made "spring things". A rabbit, a butterfly, and some fruit is what you find in front of Peter there.

Peter also has issues going down for naps lately. Wednesday he didn't get a nap because we were at Fredrick Meijer Gardens. Today, he whined for 2 hours in his room. Somehow I was able to tune him out most the time and enjoy some television. Because he missed his nap today he fell asleep quite early tonight. While I was playing a game on the computer he crawled up behind me in the chair and fell asleep. Seth carried him to bed, changed his diaper and put his PJ's on without him waking up.
This kid is just too cool!!