GRMOTC Garage Sale

Last night I went to my first ever Grand Rapids Mother of Twins Club garage sale. It was the members only sale last night. Since I wasn't selling anything I didn't have to work the sale but I did anyway. I went with a fellow multiples mom. The sale didn't start until 7pm but she had to start working the sale at 5pm. I helped her put her items out, which took all of like 45 minutes at the most. I then helped other people as well.

My goal last night was to get Abigail some clothes, look for Peter and Aaron (although neither really needs anything) and get 2 big items. A Cozy Coupe riding car and a Picnic Table. I succeeded in all areas! I was so happy to find the cozy coupe, since I've been looking since last summer and it only was $20!!! A great deal for a car in great condition!! The picnic table came right from Stacey (we didn't even take it out of her van)! I enjoyed the night very much. It was great fun to get out and talk with other moms and do a little physical labor that didn't include picking up kids, toys, or laundry!
