Cleaning...and more!

Cleaning is not my thing. I dislike it, tremendously. Today, though, I a mad woman! I got my bathroom and bedroom done!! I haven't thoroughly cleaned those two rooms in about 3 months...gross, I know. Many of you might say, "goodness, Sarah, don't be so hard on yourself. You have 3 kids under 3 at home." To this I say, "thanks for understanding. But that's not why I don't clean. I don't clean because I really, really don't like to." I started at 8am, and by 10:30am everything in those two room were clean except my bed. Tonight, I reward myself by allowing myself to type to you.

Reward. normally you think of a parent rewarding their child because they did well on a test. Or an employer rewarding their employees for landing a huge deal. But to me, this word is so much more. In high school I had a math teacher that once told his class "work hard in the classroom, play better on the field." He was also a football coach! What he meant by this, though, is work hard at whatever you have to do that day, put your whole heart into it. Give everything to the task at hand. That way, when you go on the field (or at night when you want to relax) your mind will be clear, knowing that you gave it your all. And with your mind clear, you can focus completely on the game (or the relaxing). And this is a reward to yourself.

With this in my mind tonight, I could have worked harder today. I could have cleaned the whole house. But I didn't. The point of getting my bedroom done was being able to see the fruit of my labor when I close my eyes. And, when I wake in the morning, I will know I worked hard yesterday and will be able to give my all to the day ahead.

In the cleaning process today, we simplified. We moved our computer to the basement. This is something I will have to get used to. I used to steal every moment I could to get on the computer. A quick trip to the bathroom turned into a game of Bejeweled Blitz. No more, I say! I'm done with stealing moments from my husband, from my children, from my cleaning (lol)! Now, computer time is a reward for me. When the day is quiet (like nap time or bed time) I will steal away for some computer time. But only so long. Why? Because I need time with myself (to read, relax, watch a show, etc.). I need time with my husband (to talk, to listen, to do a Bible study). I need time with God! The best part is, I need all these things before I need computer time!

So, here's to family me God time!


Anonymous said…
Yes Sarah that is so true!! It's something we all have to learn. Good for you!!