I started using Cloth Diapers. I received some free from Rachel's friend and couldn't wait to try them. Some are not adjustable so Aaron wears those since he is bigger. It's been good so far. Can't say I'm a fan of dunking them in the toilet but Seth will be making me a sprayer for the toilet (which if you buy in the store is $30-40). Hopefully we can make one for under $20!
The mix I have is between FuzziBunz and bumGenius. Love them so far. I'm thinking though, of trying one my cousin told me about called FLIP by bumGenius! We'll see though, as I might have enough once Rachel is done with hers!
I use bumgenius, nubunz (which are like bumgenius/fuzzibuns but cheaper) and gdiapers. Check them out at gdiapers.com and if you are interested in trying gdiapers I have tons of coupons you can use.