A cute story about Peter...

9pm on Tuesday Night:

Peter: Mommy, I hungry.
Me: Tell daddy and he'll help you get something.
(Peter goes upstairs)

This next part is told to me later on...
Peter: Daddy, I hungry.
Seth: Why don't you go get some dinner? (he thought it was still on the counter)

Peter goes into the kitchen, retrieves the Chicken Quesadilla from the fridge (yes, I had put it away!), moves a chair to the cupboard, gets out a plate, puts the Quesadilla on the plate, opens the microwave, shuts it, opens, shuts, opens, shuts. Seth enters from out bedroom, curious as to what he doing. Seth thought Peter was just playing around. He opens the microwave and there it is, all ready to warm. Peter just couldn't figure out which buttons to push. Seth comes to get me from the basement to see what happened.
We had a good laugh at this one, although, Peter seemed pretty confused about why we were laughing.
To satisfy his hunger before bedtime, Peter ended up with a nutri-grain bar!
