shari, can you guess what movie the title reminds me of?)
Anyway! I'm doing this update all in one (hence, the title) because I'm tired and I don't want to do multiple posts! (I deal with multiples all day...give me a break!)
Last tuesday David and Rachel came with their three boys! Here they are eating breakfast! It's good see have them back from Iceland!

I took a walk one day...by myself and noticed these flowers growing near the stream. I didn't have the camera so I came back later! (Another outing alone!!)

Pool time was great at my aunt's house...it can't be duplicated in our small pool (which Peter wouldn't go in, but at my aunt's house he was jumping off the side into the pool?!?!) Abigail loved it! Aaron was out within minutes of this picture being taken...he was not a fan!

The best part of my summer...THE HELMET COMING OFF!!!!
Aaron has been helmet free for over a week now! Maybe I'll post some things about this another day...but, the picture will have to do for now! And the helmet stands alone...

Thanks for visiting the blog today!