Potty Training

Potty Training Peter is going well...surprisingly. We have tried in the past with much resistance and fright, to say the least. He would scream anytime we mentioned going "on the potty". But, Sunday we started by having him pick a day (which really means nothing to him) and pick out his underwear. He decided on Wednesday, and a pair of Thomas the Train underwear (which is the only ones he owns).
We talked it up Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. When Wednesday came he put on his underwear with only a little opposition. He went on the toilet with only a little bit of wimpering (it used to be full out tantrums). He did it though, and yesterday we only had 4 accidents, but, SIX successes! Today, there were tears, LOTS of tears. But he did it again...all day! He went 5 times on the toilet today...once was a poop!! :) And only had ONE accident! He's catching on...and holding in, in some cases!
He appreciates his diaper at night...and so do I! We're not there totally, but we're making progress! You can see he's comfortable with it (by the picture above).

How'd I do it?
Besides Seth and I talking it up for 3 full days, I made a sticker chart (he LOVES stickers). He gets one sticker on the chart for each pee and 2 for every poop! I taped this up near the toilet so he can refer to it (and I can too) when he's using the potty. He likes to see progress! I also hung up a half sheet of poster board on the wall right next to the toilet with some markers. He can draw (thus relax) while he's trying/succeeding at using the potty!

I'm Happy!
