Anna helped watch kids...6 of them! Her and TJ also cleaned the fridge and freezer out!

we cleaned the 3 season out which was stacked full of stuff! Now the kids have a great place to play! (there was just no where else for the tree to go...)

Abigail was a great supervisor! She made sure Rachel didn't miss a spot while sanding the kitchen cupboards!

this is what the bathroom color was (minus sanding marks). It is now more of a toasted cashew color. We also put in a new tp holder and towel ring (not shown)

David and Seth turning the light green to a warm blue! Sorry the color isn't great...I'll try and find a better pic later!

Rachel changing the medium green to a cherry chocolate! Yummy!
Not only did we have a great time with our little secret from mom, we also enjoyed the time together! I have more pics that I hope to post soon! Posting is hard on the iPad though! Especially posting pics!
OH! When Seth and I picked up dad and mom from the airport we went back to holland with them. Mom loved it! The big reveal was a success! I'm still so excited that this happened. Seth's parents are wonderful people who work hard and do so much for their family! They deserved this and even though dad knew about it all along, he was happy that mom was so surprised!