Peter - 3 years old

About a year ago we started receiving help from our local Early On program through Kent ISD. Peter was struggling with forming his words and he was not at the level a 2 year old should have been at for word usage. (He had less than 20 words in his vocabulary.)

Today, we can't get him to stop talking. :)

Here are some recent things he has "discussed" with us:

• while on our way to the grocery store yesterday, I was driving:
Peter: "no, daddy needs to drive"
Me: "why?"
Peter: "because he's a boy"

• while on our way to Home Depot
Peter: "daddy, I not go shopping"
Seth: "no we're going to the hardware store"
Peter: "okay, we not shop, either" (he adds either to a lot of his negative sentances)
Me: "can mommy go shopping?"
Peter: "yeah, not daddy, though"
Seth: "why can't I go shopping?"
Peter: "you a boy, daddy"

Here are some things I've heard him say to the twins:

• "it's okay Aaron. Here you go, buddy" (while handing the toy he had just stolen from Aaron back to him)
• "Abi, just poop girl, just poop" (he knows when she goes because she's so constipated and you cant miss it...he feels so bad when she struggles)

Here is his current song list:

• Jesus Loves Me
• My God Is So Big
• The Wheels on the Bus
• The ABC's (he does a-s and then says vvv)

This kid amazes me every day! I love to watch him grow and learn, explore and understand. Although he still expresses himself with tears and screams when he's extremely frustrated I feel it's at a normal level for a three year old. Most times he is able to talk through the tears to express what he wants/needs/is bugging him.
