Coffee break/Story hour

Last week Tuesday I had my last morning of my women's bible study at church. It's only done for the spring/summer and then we'll resume in the fall. What a great study it was this year. I think it quite possibly could be the toughest, most in depth study I have ever done. We used the book Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed by Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore and Kay Arthur.

This was a study of David's life.


In all my years of being a Christian I have never learned so much about David as I did this past season in Coffee Break. I knew most the events of David's life but had never experienced or learned them as deeply!

The study helped me examine my life deeply. The questions, great questions, helped me focus on how like David I am—how most of us are. (I wish not to go into details because this study was quite personal for me and I do not want to air it out for the whole world to see!)

I recommend this study for anyone that wants to "go deeper still"—as the authors would so often say!

I also recommend you revisit this post of mine and this video as an accompaniment to my post.

One of the great things about Coffee Break is that it comes with free child care up to age 5. So, while I was enjoying my study and fellowship with other women my children were being cared for by wonderful people from church! What a blessing these people are!

Peter was old enough to go down to Story Hour with Mrs. Van! Although he would cry a bit and be a little afraid at first, he warmed up nicely to Mrs. Van and Mrs. Smies! They say he didn't talk much but he was a great listener! On the last day all the moms were invited down to a little concert put on by our children! I knew he wouldn't sing or do the motions but he still stood there with his classmates and enjoyed the time, mostly!

I love this soon as we got home he wanted to sing his songs and do the motions! In this picture his friend Kaylin is looking for her mom...Peter doesn't seem too happy to be leaned upon by her but he takes it in stride none the less. It's actually quite funny because he talks about her a lot but won't actually talk TO her!

A special shout out to all the women who watch over our children and teach them great things so us moms have a chance to connect with each other and most importantly with God!
Also, thanks to a great friend, Rachel, Kaylin's mom, for taking us to and from church. I appreciate all you did this season to help get me there!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
