The twins turned 18 months this month.
We were at the doctor last Tuesday for their appointment.
They are both very tall!
Aaron - 25#14oz and 34 1/4"
Abigail - 23#3oz and 33 1/4"
I have forgotten their percentiles but they are both above the 60th percentile for height!!
Aaron: Such a corker. He knows how to push buttons and push them to the limit. He's happiest when he is super busy or eating! If he gets bored he is off to the races on whatever will make me pull my hair out in the biggest clumps. He loves adventure and doesn't seem to be afraid to try new things. If you open the door to the outside he thinks we're going out to play. He loves to wear his shoes! On the other hand he can't resist a hug or a snuggle. If something makes him mad he comes running to me. Often, if he's really upset, he will cry so hard he forgets to breathe. He's a laughfest...and he knows it!
Abigail: What a little love! She will wave, smile, laugh, hug and kiss all at the same time it seems! If you pick her up you are bound to get a hug! She is calm and sits so nice and plays alone. She knows I need her so she'll sit well on my lap and snuggle! She is a sneak! She does things so quietly sometimes you don't even realize until she's done. She will turn up the tv volume, climb unto the table, get into my room, throw baskets of clothes on the floor (CLEAN clothes), and so much more. She is encouraged by her brothers to push the limits. She's a sweetie...and she knows it!

It doesn't seem possible they are growing so fast. I feel like they've been in my life for a lifetime. I barely remember life as we knew it before them. They have contributed so much to our family!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
We were at the doctor last Tuesday for their appointment.
They are both very tall!
Aaron - 25#14oz and 34 1/4"
Abigail - 23#3oz and 33 1/4"
I have forgotten their percentiles but they are both above the 60th percentile for height!!
Aaron: Such a corker. He knows how to push buttons and push them to the limit. He's happiest when he is super busy or eating! If he gets bored he is off to the races on whatever will make me pull my hair out in the biggest clumps. He loves adventure and doesn't seem to be afraid to try new things. If you open the door to the outside he thinks we're going out to play. He loves to wear his shoes! On the other hand he can't resist a hug or a snuggle. If something makes him mad he comes running to me. Often, if he's really upset, he will cry so hard he forgets to breathe. He's a laughfest...and he knows it!
Abigail: What a little love! She will wave, smile, laugh, hug and kiss all at the same time it seems! If you pick her up you are bound to get a hug! She is calm and sits so nice and plays alone. She knows I need her so she'll sit well on my lap and snuggle! She is a sneak! She does things so quietly sometimes you don't even realize until she's done. She will turn up the tv volume, climb unto the table, get into my room, throw baskets of clothes on the floor (CLEAN clothes), and so much more. She is encouraged by her brothers to push the limits. She's a sweetie...and she knows it!

It doesn't seem possible they are growing so fast. I feel like they've been in my life for a lifetime. I barely remember life as we knew it before them. They have contributed so much to our family!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad