Sunday Brunch

This week Seth is off of work! We will be in a few different places this week as we enjoy time with kids, time without kids and time without each other. I have never had a vacation without Seth and the kids and I fully will miss them when I'm away next weekend. BUT...I am so looking forward to a vacation in Ohio. Seth will be spending some time with Peter at home working around the house and the twins will be with Seth's parents enjoying some time with grandma and grandpa!

Last night Seth and I got a night out away from the kids for our 7 year anniversary! It was a great night to just think about us and reflect and remember the past 7 years! We are so thankful that God is a strand in our cord. Because we believe and follow a loving God we are not easily broken.

I'm so excited for this coming week! We may not be spending a great amount of time as a family but we WILL enjoy the time we do have together!

Have a great rest of the Sunday!! (what little is left). :)

