I've jumped on. Wasn't sure if I wanted to. Today I plunged in full force. Luckily the kids loved playing in the basement today which allowed me time to figure this out. The hardest part was finding a tutorial on how to get it done on the iPad.

I love it. It's my newobsession hobby.
I look at so many blogs with tutorials and crafts and awesomeness galore! I want to share all these at the same time with everyone but, until now, haven't been able to.
It's just another avenue to find awesome things for my house, my kids, and myself! And great DIY projects for the hubby! ;)


I love it. It's my new
I look at so many blogs with tutorials and crafts and awesomeness galore! I want to share all these at the same time with everyone but, until now, haven't been able to.
It's just another avenue to find awesome things for my house, my kids, and myself! And great DIY projects for the hubby! ;)