My plan tonight was get the twins to bed, have Seth get Peter to bed (something he does every Thursday; Seth goes to bed early because he has to be up at 4am so him and Peter go into bed and I get some me time.), and watch The Big Bang Theory (CBS) season premiere.
Seth helped the kids clean up their toys, I got the twins ready for bed after cleaning up the kitchen. Everything was going great—then Aaron started crying about 3 minutes into my show. On commercial break I went in to calm him down...then Abigail started screaming. While all this was going on Peter kept coming out asking for water and juice and whatever he could ask for. I finally got Peter into bed, but Abigail was relentless. She would not stop.
So here I sit, watching the X Factor (FOX), typing this blog entry, and cuddling my little girl!
The night didn't turn out like I hoped it would. It's better! Abigail and I don't get enough cuddle time because the boys are always fighting for my attention as she sits and plays quietly during the day.
I love how tonight is ending!

Seth helped the kids clean up their toys, I got the twins ready for bed after cleaning up the kitchen. Everything was going great—then Aaron started crying about 3 minutes into my show. On commercial break I went in to calm him down...then Abigail started screaming. While all this was going on Peter kept coming out asking for water and juice and whatever he could ask for. I finally got Peter into bed, but Abigail was relentless. She would not stop.
So here I sit, watching the X Factor (FOX), typing this blog entry, and cuddling my little girl!
The night didn't turn out like I hoped it would. It's better! Abigail and I don't get enough cuddle time because the boys are always fighting for my attention as she sits and plays quietly during the day.
I love how tonight is ending!