This week we had a great time when Ashley would come after school. Every day was different — thanks to spirit week! Now that she is in middle school she is having much more fun doing these special days. Everything from hat day to 80's day.
Friday, of course, is purple and gold day!
I helped her rewrite on herself as most of it had faded. I also added a yarn belt, ties for the sleeves, and some pretty nifty warrior-type arm bands! (not shown in this pic)

Peter picked out some yarn for himself. He couldn't be left out!

Here all the kids wanted to be in the pic! Here you can see the arm bands and sleeve ties!

Thanks, Ashley, for bringing some spirit week fun to us all week long!

Friday, of course, is purple and gold day!
I helped her rewrite on herself as most of it had faded. I also added a yarn belt, ties for the sleeves, and some pretty nifty warrior-type arm bands! (not shown in this pic)

Peter picked out some yarn for himself. He couldn't be left out!

Here all the kids wanted to be in the pic! Here you can see the arm bands and sleeve ties!

Thanks, Ashley, for bringing some spirit week fun to us all week long!