Sunday Brunch: activities, activities

I was talking to my Mom tonight about all the stuff coming up in the next few weeks. Even for a family without kids in school it seems the start of the school season brings so much to do. There are church activities to go to, bible studies starting up, flu shots to get, etc., etc., etc..

Because we only have one vehicle and Seth's schedule is so crazy sometimes, my mom and his mom help out A LOT!! Doctors appointments, certain activities, and church meetings. It seems they are either babysitting or driving. I realized today, as I was driving the kids home from church, that I have only driven all the kids one other time somewhere by myself. In February, when we had to take Seth parents car to the airport to pick them up. Of course Seth was right behind me then, today he was not.

Getting a second vehicle is expensive. It's not something we can really afford right now. With insurance, registration, and not to mention, GAS! I wish we could have a second car; something I could use to get to the library, the store, the post office. But then I think about dragging the kids in to each of those places, keeping them quiet in the library by myself, taking each one out just to get the mail and put them right back in.

And then, I remember how comfy I am right at home, saving money and my red hair!

Someday it will have to happen. Someday is not far away. Someday, though, whenever it is, the kids will be older and easier to handle alone!


Hey! I help out too. :) Getting the mail, driving you to appointments sometimes, babysitting, and CRAZY AWESOME trips to the grocery store. Just saying! :) Ha ha! ;)