We have a long week ahead of us. I can't reveal all details because I don't need the whole world knowing...I will post about it when it's over, though.
The important thing is that I do have a few events scheduled so that, hopefully, it will go by quickly.
I'm going to make applesauce on Tuesday with my MIL. I've never made it before so this should be interesting for me to learn. Luckily, MIL is a seasoned vet at canning things!
I will also have my Bible Study on Tuesday morning. I love this time because it is ME time. Okay, so it's time with other ladies, no kids, and especially time with God! Not exactly 'ME' time but time where I get to do something I enjoy and want to do, nonetheless.
I plan on visiting my sister as she is off work for awhile following a surgery. This should help Seth a lot so that he can rest. Hopefully the weather is nice enough we can walk to see her. Otherwise, I guess I will have the vehicle, therefore, making it up there no matter what the weather!
I guess I should plan some other things as well...now that I have it all typed out it doesn't seem like much.
Prayer for my sanity would be much appreciated as I will be dealing all week with the kids almost completely alone. If you can't find me next week, look in any corner you can...I might be curled up there trying to regain my sanity!!
Have a great week! I know I will try!